Hi areser. I agree with the others: you need a full workup of blood tests and x-rays before any medication should be recommended or taken.
(As I was explaining to my spouse last night,) AS meds seem to have a few levels, based on what works for you: 1 = NSAID, 2 = DMARDs, 3 = biologics (please everyone forgive me if I'm way off base here... I've researched this to death online and think I have a basic understanding of my options).
You might find this video helpful:
As for when you'll "know"... There may come a time when your physical complaints are not being helped by NSAIDs.
Like you, a rheumatologist recommended I begin biologics right away at my very first appointment... And this was at the beginning of the pandemic and my appointment was done via a video call! Crazy. I felt exactly as you did, and decided I'd wait; I honestly didn't feel "ready" to be putting a new drug into my body and didn't really feel that I was suffering enough to justify any potential side effects. Since then, I'm encouraged to read here how many people are grateful for these drugs.
Almost three years later, I'm starting to feel quite fatigued now, and would really like to try to do something about that. I've had to start being very intentional about how often I use our stairs, am mindful of how many physical tasks/chores I can handle in a given day, and I've started to go to bed earlier. All of this is helping my energy reserves for the next day, but I'd still like to have more energy/feel more like my old self. So I think I may be ready to possibly try a prescription. I got all the tests done a few weeks ago by my new rheumatologist (wow they took so much blood and I've never had that many Xrays in one day!). My follow-up appointment happens right after the holidays; her forecast is to recommend TNFi "if evidence of axial involvement," or Methotrexate "if no clearly axial involvement."
Question for readers: Have any of the AS medications helped improve your energy level? That is something I'd love to know, and would be my primary motivation for trying something beyond NSAIDs.
Thanks, happy holidays, and good luck!