How do you find the world of work whilst managing the condition?
I'm a teacher in the UK and the fatigue after a day at school is unreal. I work full time and always have.
I've had AS since the age of 15 so I'm unaware of what a busy life would be like without it. I'm on Cimzia and I'm still unsure as to how I feel. I haven't had any major flares recently although, I don't feel great at all.
During these times, my rheumatologist reminds me that 'I'm not in the same position as last year and that pain is to be expected as we get older.'
Quite often, I feel as though I cannot go on with this pace of life. But ultimately, I refuse to let the condition 'control me'
I guess...I'm the biggest control freak...
I hate going to bed 'nornal' and waking up to a living nightmare...
realising that I can no longer use my legs or see- so whilst I'm functioning I live life to the absolute fullest.
I'm seeking guidance on how you manage your condition alongside work and family.
Over 20 years in and I still haven't managed it..
If you've made it this far, I appreciate you reading my waffle and thank you for any nuggets of gold you can give.