What foods make you flare?It seems like everyone has certain food(s) they avoid because it can trigger symptom flares. What foods or drinks have you removed from your diet to reduce inflammation and pain?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesDiet & NutritionFlare Management
Tell us you have axial spondyloarthritis without saying you have axial spondyloarthritis…Feel comfortable sharing or venting as you would like....Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
Looking for suggestions regarding diagnosisHello, Thank you for this wonderful group. I recently went to a rheumatologist. He had X-rays done and blood work. X-rays showed some arthritis but doctor wasn't too concerned. Blood...Reactions0reactionsComments9 repliesDiagnosis
Are You Taking Biologics? Many people in this group are on biologic injections. Some have tried multiple types. Have you been on biologics in the past or currently? How are things going?...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesTreatmentSide Effects
Has you Rheumatologist Allowed You Try Their Sample Medicines?All Physicians are flooded with Samples of Medications for Free. I went to a top rated Dr. who loved collecting money but didn’t really want to help me. After 5...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Muscle painI read a lot about back pain, but being newly diagnosed I'm confused about the tendon, ligament and muscle involvement. I haven't been started on meds yet and my primary...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesCoping
Have you and your employer discussed workplace accommodations due to your AxSpA?Working with a chronic condition like AxSpA can require changes in the workplace, reduced or changed hours, or even switching jobs. What have you found helpful from your employer or...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesWork & Employment
Have you ever been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis or experienced any type of bladder issues with your AS?This week I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. I have heard people in the community mention they have bladder issues, and upon further research learned that sometimes IC is linked...Reactions0reactionsComments10 replies
Plantar fasciitis from ASHello everyone. First time on. I was diagnosed with AS 3 years ago. I am currently in the middle of an acute flare up which has badly affected my feet...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Semi permanent makeup/TattoosI am sorry if this post comes across as shallow or trivial in the grand scheme of things. Prior to starting biologics I have been having semi permanent brows done...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTips & Advice