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Diets that help AS symptoms

Has anyone heard of the carnivore diet helping AS? My husband read an article about it and was mad when I didn’t try it. He said he thought I would do anything to combat the pain which I definitely want to help with pain but I just can’t eat just meat- I need more!

  1. Hi , my experience on diet similar to . I avoid refined sugary food and diary, minimize gluten. I'm 95% on vegan (occasionally have some salmon and organic chicken or a piece of birthday cake). It did the work for me.

    I noticed that if I went back on sugar, diary food and consumed more meat than my usual, the symptom was back or getting worse. So now I'm more disciplined on diet.

    You may like to try out what diet works best for you?

    1. Hi ,

      I haven't heard heard about this diet helping AS before, is it literally a diet consisting of only meat?

      I found a lot of relief from changing my diet but that mostly consisted of avoiding gluten and dairy. I was also practically vegan (aside from eating eggs) so pretty much the furthest thing possible from this diet!

      But that being said I think different diets work for different people so I guess there is a chance might work for you.

      Have you experimented with diet changes to benefit your AS before?

      All the best,
      James (Community Member)

      1. I do not know a lot about AS and diets but I have read some things online. I know that every body is different, and different things help different people. I've seen online that people go on a no carb/sugar diet and that works for some, same with an anti inflammatory diet. I've read that red meat can cause inflammation and then I heard on a Joe Rogan podcast that a meat only diet helped some people bring down their inflammation.

        Personally, I would find it very hard to try all of them. So I just try to eat more healthily, I am a vegetarian (even before I was diagnosed), I try to eat lots of fruit and veg and less processed foods.

        And personally, I think everybody is different.

        I track my foods and write down what I eat every day in my journal just to see if any food triggers me.

        I hope this was helpful for you,
        Ali (Community Member)

        1. I have not heard of it, which does not mean a lot. This diet sounds like a paleo or low card diet, and yes, I have heard of it being used to help AS. I believe people should do what works for them. However, I could not find any research-related discussion of the diet. I also believe that no one should be forced into a treatment option.

          I noticed that several of the testimonials offered on different websites seemed to relate to Andrea Wyckoff. Here are other articles written by Ms. Wycoff.

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