AxSpA Recipe ExchangeThis is a forum to share and exchange recipes! Maybe it's a baked good you started making while spending more time at home, or a comfort food recipe passed through...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDiet & Nutrition
Food LimitationsWhich foods have you sacrificed, and has it really been worth it for improving your pain?...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesDiet & Nutrition
Anyone else have taste and appetite changes?Hello! As soon as I got my first infusion, my taste changed. I described many things as tasting like “dirty lake water”. It use to last for a week or...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesAnkylosing SpondylitisDiet & NutritionFlares
Anyone who is HLA B27 positive get results from a low starch diet?I have read both ways that it could help people without HLA-B27 and also that it doesn't help to eat a low starch diet. Anyone tried this? I did a...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesDiet & Nutrition
What are your go-to anti-inflammatory recipes? Share your favorites below! Post pictures of the finished product!...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesFlare ManagementDiet & NutritionTips & Advice
Does anyone who doesn't have the HLA-B27 gene had any luck with the low starch diet.I don't have the gene marker. I have read both ways that a low starch diet could help people without HLA-B27 and also that it doesn't help to eat a...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesDiet & Nutrition
Intermittent FastingI'm not one for fad diets or trends, but I was keen to hear if anyone has experience with intermittent fasting? I started an 18:6 fast three weeks ago due...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesMental HealthDiet & NutritionAlternative Treatment
AS & Covid VaccinesHi Everyone, I am new to this forum. I was diagnosed with AS when I was 28 (now 44). I had a really bad year when I was diagnosed, to...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSide EffectsFlares Diet & Nutrition
Losing Weight With ASDiet, and exercise.. that's what people tell us. But, how do you lose weight and keep in shape when low energy and pain makes working out and cooking difficult?...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesTips & AdviceDiet & NutritionExercise
Do you have periods of random remission that are unexplained?I’ve been experiencing very low disease activity despite being somewhat stressed, traveling a lot, and not always eating the best. It’s so strange. And maybe I’m going to be jinxing...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesFlare ManagementSymptomsDiet & Nutrition