Hi everyone, I'm brand new to this forum. I have been seeing a rheumatologist and I had a positive HLA-B27 result and have had a few intense episodes where my back was highly inflamed, and some pain in the joints of my hands, but all of my subsequent blood tests for inflammation looked good, and so my doctor thinks AS is "likely" but has not given me a confirmation. I just wanted to share that back story (pun!) first.
My question is: I seem to always have episodes (there have been 3, and I'm in one now) after a period where I try to start running / being more active - it's as if a bit of physical activity leads to some irritation, and then that snowballs into a full-on flare-up. The first two times it was my sacral area but this time it's my mid/upper back. The pain is pretty intense and all-encompassing, it doesn't just feel like a pulled muscle.
I was just curious if anyone else has symptoms like this, or if this sounds unusual or not AS-related at all? Specifically, I am asking about the fact that physical activity seems to "trigger" the onset of a flare-up. I think I just need to stop trying to run because I think it's the impact that sets things off. This third time I tried to run on a treadmill because I thought that would be lower impact and maybe not cause issues, but I woke up today unable to really move my back without pain so.. I'm going to just walk from now on.
Thank you in advance for taking time respond.