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Does anyone else wish they could

Does anyone else have a physician, a supervisor or a spouse that you wish you could let them each take about 2 weeks with your physical health (walk a mile in your shoes). I guess I just want them to gain a little empathy or sympathy about what it means when I say “I just can’t today” or “I’ll need some help with that task” or “I’m just not able to do that tonight sweetheart”. Well I figure you get what I’m going on about? But I sure hope you don’t have these particular problems. Best wishes for better health to each of you.

  1. Hi @JRobb

    I can relate to this and I am sure so many of us here in the community. I don't know how many times I wished this, but at the same time don't want anyone to go through this awful disease that's very draining many times. But like you mentioned at the same time want them to take our shoes for one time to see what it feels on the inside. I think so many of us go through this, in hoping others can just understand, instead of having re explaining every time "I can't do this".

    How are you feeling today?

    Sending you warm hugs your way,

    Nicky (Team Member)

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