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Are many people here actively working out? With some limitations I find going to the gym daily helps alot with managing my AS. Not going and the stiffness and pain can be unbearable without medication

  1. Hey ,

    I find working out to be super helpful for keeping my pain and stiffness levels down but also I find it really helps me deal with the mental aspects of living with a chronic illness too!

    I haven't actually had a gym membership since the pandemic. I made adjustments whilst everything was closed and started working out from home and have kept going with that. I found that working out with resistance bands proved to be a good way of getting a decent work out in without being too strenuous on my joints. Here is a link to an article that I wrote about it just in case it is of any use to you or anyone else reading this thread!

    What kind of work outs do you usually do?

    Wishing you well,
    James (Community Member)

    1. Thank you James. Glad to hear your exercising helps also.

    2. my workouts consist of alternating cardio days and strength training days. Cardio days are 35 minutes of elliptical followed up with 35 minutes on stationary bike. Strength days are free weights being chest and arms one day then legs another then back third day. I try for 6 days a week

  2. Doesnt have to be the gym. Your doing good by moving around anywhere your comfortable and safe. Wish you the best.

    1. Thank you. I know little steps. Through having this disease, I am thankful for it helping me learn that even the smaller steps matter more than the bigger ones. Hope you are having a good day.

  3. Hi

    1. Hi

      I wish I can go to the gym. It's my goal to get back to it. I try to move around the house as much as I can. I do agree the less you move and the less active the pain can be worse and bring on stiffness.

      Nicky (Team Member)

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