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How Do You Spend Your Weekends?

After a long tiring week, us with chronic illness probably welcome a 2 day break more than most.

I was wondering what you guys do at the weekend to recharge your batteries or reward yourself after getting through a week with AS on your back (quite literally).

Recently I have felt like my weekend fatigue has been at an all time high, so would love to hear any suggestions that could help me generate a few extra spoons in time for Mondays!

  1. Hi James , ah that’s great you used to do lots of swimming and loved it too . lol I’m sure you wouldn’t sink and you could always hang on to the side lol ! I only do a small amount of gentle swimming , some stretches then I go into the jacuzzi and sauna as I love the warmth to relax my muscles .

    We love listening to all kinds of music some 80’s , rock , cheesy pop or dance whatever we fancy having a jig too . What about you ? What kind of music do you like ?
    I try and get my two boys doing some Pilates with me and we listen to yoga music then . They usually end up giggling lots 🤣.
    Blessings to you .

    1. Hahaha maybe I could just try and pass it off as some very swollen biceps!

      Yes it is the summertime vibes that I love - even though I don't have much of a clue what I am attempting to sing along to!

      He's just turned 1 but we are probably on the same on the same difficulty level! That is so cute - bet they will be top of the class in sports in no time!

      All the best,
      James (Community Member)

    2. Aww that’s a cute age one , into lots of exploring and getting up to mischief ha ha !

      Yeh I do try and encourage my children to be into different actives, if they are up to trying it any way . They both have lots of energy so I feel like that helps if they are running , climbing , swimming etc instead of fighting each other lol .
      Have a lovely day .

  2. Hi , I love swimming and find that really helps loads with stiffness and pain so I try and go regularly . I stretch most evenings too and love listening to music with my two children . They usually keep me active as they love going out walking . I’m Just finding the walking a tad hard at the moment so not going too far . I take them to the park so they can run and climb 😊 .

    1. Hi ,

      That's amazing! I really want to get back into swimming again but it's been years now and I am starting to wonder if I have forgotten how and will just instantly sink when I get back in the pool!

      That is so sweet that you listen to music with your kids, what kind of music are you guys into? Taking them out to the park sounds like a nice way to keep them entertained and get a bit of fresh air - I hope there are plenty of benches for when you need a bit of a rest from walking!

      Best wishes,
      James (Community Member)

  3. Music, lots of music..and dancing. As much as I'm able. It lifts my mood and helps me deal with the pain. Adult coloring books🙂

    1. I do a lot of dancing around the house too for a little low impact movement! I'd love to do some adult colouring too but I don't think my art skills are advanced enough for that level haha!

    2. I tried to dance and color. Unfortunately, I keep tripping and marking up the walls. Eventually, Sheryl took my crayons and music player away. I am told I might get it back after Christmas if I treat Santa OK when I see him on Thursday............................ rick (moderator)

  4. If I am not in a flare up, I spend my weekends outdoors and I try to keep busy. The more I move, the better I feel, most of the time. It's easy to want to hang out inside, especially if it's cold, but I know my body will thank me later for being on the move.

    If it's the weekend and I AM in a flare up, I focus on self care and treatment. Lots of rest. Hot/cold compresses. Anti-inflammatory teas/spices/foods. Baths. Books. Weekends with a flare up aren't great but I guess they're a reminder to slow down.

    1. Hi ,

      I think it's a great idea to plan your weekends based on how your body is feeling. Keeping active when we can is just as important as resting up when our body is struggling a bit - even if it isn't a very exciting way to spend the weekend!

      How are you doing at the moment? Did you manage to spend this weekend being active outdoors?

      All the best,
      James (Community Member)

    2. Thanks, James! I did manage outdoor time and I'm grateful for it. After a 2-month flare up, I feel such relief to be getting "back to normal".

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