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If you could send a message to your younger self, what would it say?

Imagine if you could turn back the clock and offer guidance to your younger self, the person who first embarked on this journey with AxSpa.

We invite you to share your wisdom, insights, and heartfelt messages to your younger selves. What advice would you give? What encouragement would you offer? Whether it's about managing symptoms, coping strategies, or simply words of comfort, your message could resonate deeply with someone else facing similar struggles today.

  1. Hmmm i would say, stay living in Hawaii!

    1. As we grow older, especially while dealing with chronic illness, it's common to reminisce about our past stamina and energy, especially when we lived in a stunning place like Hawaii, as you did. I often find myself thinking about what I could have done differently in my younger years. I imagine Hawaii must have been a welcome relief for you, especially considering the discomfort colder environments can bring. Where have you relocated to now? If given the chance, would you consider returning to Hawaii's beauty? Reflecting on the potential advantages of staying there, I wonder what benefits it could have offered you. Your well-being is on my mind. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

  2. Don’t listen to other people you know your body better than anybody else. I know swimming and water therapy was the best thing that I ever did from my body going through all this. All the other therapy they made me do riding a bike all the things hurt my body more than anything else when you do water therapy, you are weightless in the pool. You cannot hurt yourself around no better than I ever did when they told me I would never walk without any help. . Remember, listen to yourself you know your own body better than anybody else.

    1. I absolutely agree! Trusting your instincts and honoring your body's needs can guide you towards the best decisions for your health and well-being. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Recognizing this and finding what truly benefits your body is a journey of self-discovery and self-care. Your advice to your younger self reflects a deep understanding of your needs and the importance of prioritizing activities that bring relief and comfort. Thanks for sharing. Sending waves of comfort your way. Rebecca (team member)

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