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Medication options

Hi All.

This is my first post, I've not spoken to anyone outside of my family/Dr about my AS diagnosis.
I have been seeing an NHS rheumatologist for a few years and I finally gave in to nagging about biologics. Went for the assessment to start adalimumab but wasn't happy with the cancer risk, so I'm not considering not going onto the medication. I have quite an extensive family history of cancer, with one relative recently being diagnosed with lymphoma.
I now feel depressed that my only options seem to be to stay on ibuprofen, or start this biologic therapy and take a serious gamble with cancer.
Are there any other options that don't carry a cancer risk? I feel like the rheumatologist will discharge me if I don't take this Yuflima, I also don't feel as though my pain is bad enough to take such a risk. I have good days and some really bad days.
Has anyone else rejected biologics as an option? Or have other options? Everything I have looked at (methotrexate, biologics, JAK) carries the same cancer risk.

  1. Thanks for sharing all. I still worry about the cancer side effects so I have decided to avoid biologics for the time being and have opted for medical cannabis to ease the symptoms. I just can't justify the cancer risk, it doesn't seem worth the risk to my life.

    1. Your decision to avoid biologics and use medical cannabis to manage your symptoms is a personal and thoughtful one. Choosing a treatment plan that feels right for you and aligns with your beliefs and comfort level is important. Managing chronic illness is difficult. We appreciate you sharing this. Regards, Rebecca (team member)

    2. ,
      We appreciate you sharing your perspective.
      Treatment options vary for each individual.
      I thought I'd share this article that may provide some helpful information on treatment options:
      Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

  2. I started my journey on naproxen and then on to sulphasalazine which by the way was awful.
    I know gladly take adilimumab and have done since i was 34, (2years) so not too disimillar age to you. I didnt worry about the risks because i thought that better than the quality of life i had in that moment or quality of life i would have in the future. The meds are working well for me and I compete in MMA, (Which again, the sport has improved my mobility tenfold). They have saved me from sucomming to a depressuve and down state.

    1. , thanks for sharing a view of your journey with treatment. Weighing risks against potential benefits for a balanced perspective can be difficult for some, but a "no brainer" option for others. It sounds like you've decided on a healing direction that aligns with your lifestyle and has allowed you to continue increasing your mobility. It's wonderful you've improved. Thanks for being here and sharing. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

  3. Hey

    First of thank you for posting and sharing with us what is going on. I can relate so much to where you are coming from with trying to avoid certain medications. It can be scary to think that you the side effects can be worry some like you mentioned.

    I know everyone is different and react differently on medication. I think you are doing the best waying out the good and the bad to see what is best for you. I would also try and talk to your doctor and let him know exactly how you feel, even if you need to wait till your ready to start on either biologics. Even if it's to delay right now. At least you know you have open options.

    I tried to go without for the longest time. I was afraid that from passed experiences with out medications that I was on for depression and anxiety, biologics would do the same to me and destroy my system and be left with severe side effects as I was with the medication i was put on. But it went better than I thought. I know am able to work again and move more. My pain levels have been finally at a lower manageable place. I do get still the bad days, but not as often.

    Wishing you well and let us know how it goes. Remember to follow what is best for you. You know you body at it's best.

    Hugs !!!

    Nicky (Team Member)

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