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New symptoms

Hi to everyone.
I would like to know if anyone is experiencing pain under your shoulder blade radiating to the middle upper back. The pain would not allow me to turn easily. I would hav to hold onto to something when getting up from a sitting position. As well as holding in when I turn from side to side in bed.
Could this mean im fusing?

  1. I have also been experiencing this sort of pain that has been worsening for the past couple of months. I feel like it even extends to my ribs. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing this as well. Glad to know I’m not alone.

    1. - how are you lately? Has the upper (thoracic) spine settled a bit? I have had pain in my spine for years and have it surgically fused in a few places, with a rod in the mid-back. Having pain in an area of the back could mean several things and you really should see a physician to see what is actually going on. He could send you for imaging to visualize the area giving you problems. It may be a nerve being pinched, it may be other orthopedic issues such as degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis or a muscle knot with spasms - where a massage may assist in relief. The only way to know is to get examined. I sure hope you find the cause of this pain and can resolve it sooner than later. Best of wellness, wishing for relief. Rebecca (comm advc)

      1. Thank you!

        1. Thank you, I believe the pain is coming from my ribs and shoulders.

        2. It's so frustrating trying to get that area to settle - as it's a difficult part of the body to treat. My ribs on the right side and back are eternally sore and achy. I am pretty sure it has to do with my AxSpA - as if the joint connecting the spine to the rib is inflamed and irritated all the time. Just had a cortisone injection but it only lasted 3 weeks and is sore again. My shoulder pain is from a pinched nerve, scar tissue, and damaged nerves from a neck/spinal injury I had a while back and it aches horribly down the right ! I really do understand this pain you are asking about. I soothe it with a bath and use a massager when I can. I do get some relief. I just have to keep my arm moving and the muscles stretched out to keep the pain from locking up my right upper body. At its worst, it gives me a migraine. Hoping you find relief soon. Rebecca (comm advc)

      2. Hi,
        I am sorry you are struggling with your back. I used to have middle / upper back pain years ago, ways before my diagnosis, which sounds a bit like what you describe. At the time, I went to see an osteopath and I was given some stretches exercises to extend my spine a bit. So it seemed it was kind of posture related, but at the same time it could have been an early sign of AxSpa. Either way, for back pain, stretches tend to be quite good to ease the pain, as long as you are sure the stretches you are doing are adapted to you and your condition.
        Have you had the chance to discuss this with a doctor or a physiotherapist? It might be good to get the view of a professional over this new symptom.
        Also, have you found ways to ease your pain like heat pad, changing positions, gentle moves?
        I hope you will get some pain relief soon.
        Take care,

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