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Ive gone through 3 Biologic treatments all other painkillers i am now put on Rinvoq but im terrified of it should i be does anyone here hsve the dtug or can znyone give me an opinion i know its all down to me but its such a terribly scary thing for me..
Id appreciate any information from anyone regarding it.

  1. - hoping you are finding some answers. Here's a link to a forum that has some replying about using Rinvoq. Take a look. It may be of help. This article has some useful information regarding biologics. Wishing you the best. Rebecca (team member)

    1. for all your help but i think i forgot to mention that my mum had breast cancer and colon cancer but now 82 and just literally going through the motions of elderly life at terrified that Rinvoq can awaken any cancers,im covered in psoriasis still no better my legs and back feel like theyre locked ive had terrible vertigo but still im terrified of thus drug but im now at the point of no return so im going to start it Monday fingers x @Rebecca C

    2. Thanks for sharing a bit more about your journey and history. I understand how scary it is to move forward with biological medications. It's a choice only you and your treating physician can make. I'm glad you've decided to move forward with rinvoq and I hope you find relief. Here's a link to an informative article written by one of our team members. It may help you. Sending caring thoughts. Rebecca (team member)

  2. Thanks for your time and support its really important what i do going on.

    Im just starting to be covered in psoriasis im just starting a flare im dreading it ill definitely listen to any advice pls of anyone is taking Rinvoq pls get in touch and especially those taking Rinvoq.

    1. I'm sorry to hear what you are going through.
      Have you reached out to your healthcare provider with your concerns?
      I do hope others will chime in here with their personal experiences.
      In addition to the links Rebecca has shared, I thought I would include this one as well that may provide some additional information:
      Wishing all the best as you search for answers and relief, Doreen (Team Member)

  3. Hey

    I haven't tried Rinvoq, but I am here to tell you that i am on my 4th biologic and the longest one. It's so normal to feel what you are feeling, after having to try and failed.

    I know everyone can be different and can take some time to find what works best for each one. I am right now on Cosentyx and going 3 years almost. It took some time and lots of discouragement, but it was worth it.

    I hope you can find what is best for you and get some relief soon,

    Hugs !!!

    Nicky (Team Member)

    1. Hello - I am on Xeljanz (JAK inhibitor) and it's the only (out of 5) treatment that has helped. I know there is a box warning on it, but I gave it a try. It resolved most of my debilitating enthesitis within months and has helped me get back to movement and activities. I am not without pain, but this JAK has been 80% effective for me. I have had no lasting adverse side effects and am grateful I can use it. I wanted to stop by and drop off a link to an article that may help - Wishing you well. Rebecca (team member)

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