So I'm on methotrexate celebrex and prednisone for akalosing spondylitis I've been seeing an rumatology dr since November and on meds since January and I was originally diagnosed with this in 2016, threw an mri but No one said anything to me or did anything to combat the cause they just attempted to help the pain and walking helps the pain so much that I sumtimes over do it in the last two weeks I've gotten near 35000 steps on two separate occasions and I felt great normally on an average day I get right around 10000 steps and since losing around 160lbs since 2019 its became second nature because I found out how much it helped and on these two occasions I've paid dearly its taken me 3 days to feel any relief from the aftermath I just need to learn how to listen to my body and take frequent breaks so my question is how when you've learned in the past to not listen to yourself or you consistently push yourself too hard how do you start how do you change 35 year of learned behavior and how many steps do you all think I should keep it around and ive learned from the last walk is to even when I'm that sore I can't baby myself because it just gets worse and I find no relief at all