Cannabis strain for severe pain Heya, I'm so tired with finding the best cannabis CBD hybrid (preferable 1:1 ratio) strain for both - day and night use. I suffer from: - ankylosing spondylitis, - fibromyalgia...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesAlternative TreatmentAwarenessMedical Marijuana
AS vs Depression vs MenopauseIs anyone else having trouble untangling which symptoms are which? I constantly struggle trying to figure out why I am feeling what I am feeling. The low back and hip...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesMental HealthMedical MarijuanaAlternative Treatment
Stomach Issues with ASHello Friends! About a year ago I was diagnosed with AS. Since then I have put in SO much work to feeling better. And I am finally starting to feel...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesMedical MarijuanaSymptomsTips & Advice