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My back is starting to curve more than I expected. In one of the articles I read, using a brace may help slow down progression of the shoulders. Has anyone done this?
Did it work?
My back is now effecting the way I walk. I must go back to walking sticks to assist me in keeping me walking more upright.
Has anyone used bracing here?
I am on Cosentyx and I exercise a minimum of 5 hours per week.
Any suggestions appreciated!

  1. Hi - I was given a back brace by my PT doctor and found wearing it difficult and quite irritating. It didn't seem to help me. I did do some exercises though and had surgery. I hope you can find help. I feel like I am developing a curving spine as well. Has the walking stick been a good aid? I usually am only walking in the store or for a bit out and about. I do not hike on the trails. So maybe a walking stick for me is overkill? Thanks for the post. I'm interested in hearing how others are managing this issue. Rebecca (team member)

    1. ,
      Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful perspective and helpful tips. Your experiences and positivity can certainly help others.
      I love how you rely on humor to get you through the things you can't control. As they say..."humor is the best medicine".
      All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Thanks for sharing how you manage - humor, activity, support, and thoughtful insight. At first, I had a difficult time managing my three-wheel walking bike but it got me throughout Europe with my daughter, and for that, I am so very grateful. She is a traveler and I wanted so much to be with her in that experience.

      I need to find a pool and exercise program you teach! I have a pool in the yard, but it's now too cold. I will look around and see if the community center has an indoor aquatic center. Boy, that would be ideal.

      Humor - for a long time now I've forgotten what this is. I've been struggling for a while to see the good in the whole situation. My husband is a comedian so he keeps me on my toes. I am learning to see through his perspective. Yes! Funny movies are great. I don't laugh enough - and these are a great way to expel the strain of chronic pain. As they say, "Laughter is the best medicine".

      Thanks for the insight - it is such a help. Rebecca (team member)

  2. I tried a back brace, but because of the skin cancer covering most of my back, I wasn't able to use it.

    1. It must have been difficult for you. I hope you are managing a bit better and you're healing ... sending thoughts of well-being and care. Rebecca (team member)

    2. ,
      I'm saddened to hear you are dealing with both skin cancer and AxSpA.
      How are things going? My thoughts are with you.
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

  3. ,
    Thanks for reaching out.
    As AxSpA progresses, it can cause joints in the spine to fix or fuse. This often leads to a loss of mobility or a curved posture.
    This article discusses it in greater detail:
    Hopefully others will chime in here with their personal experiences

    In the meantime, I'm including an article from one of our community member's who discusses her own experience with a back brace:
    Wishing you all the best as you search for some answers and relief. ~ Doreen (Team Member)

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