I’ve been experiencing very low disease activity despite being somewhat stressed, traveling a lot, and not always eating the best.
It’s so strange. And maybe I’m going to be jinxing it simply by writing this — I HOPE NOT!
but sometimes I go into periods of so-called remission. It’s where the disease activity is super low, even if I’m doing things that might trigger it, like eating badly or I’ve had a bit too much wine (hello holidays). It’s so unpredictable and unexplainable! Then there are months where I’m in flares even though I’m doing everything “right.”
I’ve been intermittent fasting for the better part of the year, so maybe this is responsible, since I do think intermittent fasting helps a lot. But sometimes there are times when I can’t do intermittent fasting, like during the holidays or when friends are in town and I’m going out for dinner a lot.
I’m wondering if it has a longer-term affect on the body then I might realize?
I guess my question is, do you ever have inexplicable times where the disease activity is super low? Do you have suspicions about what helps?