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Ali Long
Last Updated:
I've been out of work for the past year. My illness benefit has stopped and I am waiting for my disability allowance to start but it will take months.
I feel like I need to go back to work but I don't know if I am able.
Let me know if you work below, and if so, do you work from home?
SuzyQ22 Member
Last Updated:
Thank you , I love the job but really finding it difficult to do now .
I really love reflexology and I find it so relaxing. My mum has been doing it for 25 years so she is helping me by showing me what to do while I am training . I try most things in hope they help ease pain , inflammation and re balance the body . Especially if I am feeling stressed I will book myself for a gentle massage or my mum does my feet 😀
Hoping to try the Enbrel I think first and see how that goes , I am going for my blood tests on Tuesday so fingers crossed it won’t take long before I can start it .
Hope you are having a lovely week too .
SuzyQ22 Member
Last Updated:
Hi I work now as a health care assistant in the hospital and hospice near where I live and previously to that I worked 15 years as a hair dresser . Both jobs are taxing on my joints and I find as a health care assistant I am struggling with my knee pain mainly . I feel like both jobs have kept me moving and active though but it’s time for me to find something more easing on the body . I have just started doing reflexology which I love as a alternative therapy and I find it really relaxing to give the treatment too .
It’s so difficult when living with pain and stiffness to find a job that brings in a income with out tiring your self out too much and causing more pain .
Fortunately my husband works and between us with the little I do we manage ok . But I would find it a lot harder if I were on my own .
I’m hoping the biologic is going to ease things for me so I continue with my work. Good luck and blessing to everyone x
Ali Long Member
Last Updated:
It is very hard to work when we live with chronic pain and fatigue. What job would you be thinking next?
I've never tried reflexology, do you find it helps your symptoms? I don't know much about it.
I hope your biologic helps too! Which one are you on?
Hope you are having a good week,
Ali (Community Member)
Ken j Member
Last Updated:
I’ve recently stopped construction work of more than 20 due to AS. Applying for new jobs( easier on my body than construction in Florida) I’m am being required on applications to list that I have a disability. They r requiring u to admit to have AS and the company and insurance say we have a disability based on federal government guidelines. I don’t qualify for disability till a joint is fused or organ failure. That’s the messed up.
Ali Long Member
Last Updated:
Oh wow, I am sorry, this is messed up! That must be so frustrating.
Do you mind me asking how many times you've applied for disability? I've heard that it takes many times to get it. Here in Ireland, it is quite different. I am sorry that you are dealing with that.
Ali (Community Member)
Jaxx2727 Member
Last Updated:
Thank you for reaching out to me. No I haven't worked since my husband passed away in January 2018. Then my health problems started. Had surgery for a Wirthen tumor under my right ear lobe and on my neck. Have no feeling on the right side of my face. 5 months later diagnosed with kidney cancer (left kidney was removed, October 2019). Now diagnosed with AS a couple of months ago. My Specialist was to start me on Biologic Injections, but told me that we're going to start treatment after my results from the MRI that was scheduled in late October this year, to see if I'm still in remission. Now I'm still waiting for treatments because now I have to get immunization shots for TB, HEP B, Deptheria, Phemonia and Whooping Cough. So far, only had the TB shot. In the meantime, I'm suffering...excruciating pain 24/7! Totally inhumane!!! I've written to my MLA, Physicians Complaints, have contacted several organizations in regards to financial support. Same answers...need documentation from my doctor...which he won't sign anything cause I don't have a disability! My joints all over my body are literally visible to the eye, my Specialist says I have deterioration in my back...! My liver is full of Cysts, which there is no explanation, and that could also contribute to my pain! I'm about to be homeless, as I mortgage my condo recently to pay for overdue debt. Now I have a mortgage and condo fees among other living expenses! I'm going to homeless at the end of the month all because my DOCTOR WON'T COOPERATE OR ACKNOWLEDGE my condition...and it's severe!
I don't know what, where, who to get help!
Lawrence Rick Phillips Member
Last Updated: