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Summer Traveling Tips

Going anywhere fun this summer? What are your summer travel tips? Feel free to share pics!

  1. I'm planning another trip to Edinburgh to bring my daughter home from school there. Before we return, we are heading to Sicily to enjoy the weather and food, and have some fun. I am very excited but extremely nervous about this second trip while managing my spondyloarthritis. Traveling always seems to send me into flares ... hoping for the best. Need to read up on some articles about the best way to manage AS while traveling. Wishing everyone a GREAT summer. Rebecca (community moderator)

    1. Hey, great question !
      One tip I use for all my holidays trip now is to make sure I have at least one day a week with no plan, no gatherings or big meals, nowhere to go and nobody expecting to see me. This is my day, my ME TIME, I do what I want and I self care, so I can enjoy the rest of my week 😉
      This has really changed my holiday and my ability to enjoy fun activities, being with people, and feeling rested at the same time 😉

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