FeaturedIf you could send a message to your younger self, what would it say?Imagine if you could turn back the clock and offer guidance to your younger self, the person who first embarked on this journey with AxSpa. We invite you to share...Reactions0reactionsComments20 repliesTips & AdviceNewly DiagnosedCommunity Support
Featured How do you respond when someone unfamiliar with AxSpa questions your change of plans?Sometimes we might respond calmly; other times may be more defensive. Do you have a go-to response? Do you use it as a time to educate? Let's vent!...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesFriends & FamilyMisunderstood Tips & Advice
Active todayI've had pain from AS before. but this time it's worseI thought I was developing bursitis because of hip pain and limited mobility. However, after a few days, it changed. Unlike anything I ever felt before, I stared to fall...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
FeaturedActive 3 days agoAre you HLA-B27 positive or negative?I think its important to highlight that not everyone with AS is HLA-B27 positive. Let me know if you are positive or negative!...Reactions0reactionsComments393 replies
Active 4 days agoHow do you stay comfortable when you're uncomfortable?If you suffer from AS, then you probably know the struggle of always trying to make yourself comfortable in almost every situation. What items or methods do you use to...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesCopingAssistive DevicesComplimentary Treatment
Active 4 days agoHot Water - I’m in it all the time. LolI have a question : Has anyone noticed that your skin is more sensitive when you take a shower ? I have to turn the Hot water way down or...Reactions0reactionsComments5 replies
Active 4 days agoWhat symptoms of AS do you experience? Chronic, long-term back pain is one of the most commonly reported health problems in the United States. Not surprisingly, back pain is also the most reported symptom by people living...Reactions0reactionsComments179 repliesAnkylosing SpondylitisAxial Spondyloarthritis Symptoms
Active 6 days agoWere any symptoms on Axial Spondyloarthritis surprising? Did you experience any unexpected symptoms when you were diagnosed with AxSpa? Are you wondering if anyone else experienced these symptoms? Are you unsure if these symptoms are connected with...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesSymptoms
Family history Hi everyone I know we all have our different views on biology medicine and would never tell anyone or expect anyone to tell me what to do. I live in...Reactions0reactionsComments157 repliesAxial Spondyloarthritis
Has anyone tried Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis?Has anyone tried Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
Flight tipsHi all I am due to go on holiday tomorrow and unfortunately I am dreading the long 11 hour flight and wondering if I will actually be able to enjoy...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAnkylosing SpondylitisTips & AdviceTravel
Is it Uveitis?Hi all, first time poster. I’m currently being worked up for autoimmune and narrowing down to seronegative spondylarthropathies. Last week, I started have weird symptoms in my right eye. Lid...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSymptoms