Anyone here had spinal fusion surgery?I'd love to hear about any of your experiences with this surgery. Was it helpful? Did it make your AS worse? What was your recovery like? Or maybe you found...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSurgeryTips & Advice
How do you feel near injection week?I have noticed the week before injection is the hardest. I start to notice more stiffness, more pain, brain fog, increased fatigue, start to feel more down. I am on...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesTips & AdviceAwarenessFlare Management
Mattress recommendations for AS suffererHi, I have AS and Osteoporosis and I am really struggling with morning pain which is way more than I normally suffer with and wondered if changing my current mattress...Reactions0reactionsComments22 repliesCopingTips & Advice
Losing Weight With ASDiet, and exercise.. that's what people tell us. But, how do you lose weight and keep in shape when low energy and pain makes working out and cooking difficult?...Reactions0reactionsComments12 repliesTips & AdviceDiet & NutritionExercise
FOMOAS can cause us to cancel plans, sit out on participating in activities, and miss out on things we might otherwise not have. This can strain friendships, relationships, and loving...Reactions0reactionsComments28 repliesFriends & FamilyTips & AdviceCoping
Periods and AxSpaHello everyone, Question for my fellow AFAB people with AxSpa -- does your period aggravate your AxSpa pain? I just got through my period and I have severely painful periods...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsCopingTips & Advice
Choosing a Keyboard for Daily WorkI'm searching for a keyboard that doesn't aggravate the pain in my hands, and am not having much luck. For me, size (cannot be small), key height, and key pressure...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesAxial Spondyloarthritis SymptomsTips & Advice
Fusion I have full fusion in my neck area. I have no mobility in that area— up or down, left or right, side to side. I have lost 4 - 5...Reactions0reactionsComments15 repliesFatigue ExerciseTips & Advice
What do you do to treat yourself?I mean, as in a treat for yourself - a trip out, a special meal, that sort of thing....Reactions0reactionsComments30 repliesCopingTips & Advice
Has AS Brought You Any Blessings?Living with AS certainly is not the easiest ride. However I think that there are so many negative aspects to it that sometimes it is easy to overlook that it...Reactions0reactionsComments23 repliesMental HealthTips & Advice